Tuesday, December 15, 2009
ginger tree and person
Ginger People! ! ! ! ! !
My Gingerbread Men
Jason Pica II
I tried to make a cowgirl. I don't really know why I did, I just thought it would be funny. It was a little frustrating to make it. After a while a just starting putting various things on the cowgirl. This was fun! Keep going on http://www.twitter.com/ to find more fun blogger posts.
Gingerbread Man
gingerbread man
Natalie's Gingerbread Man
My Gingerbread man My other Gingerbread man
Today's Fun and Games
It's a relaxing day on the blog!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
I also like typing typhoon because you have to type as fast as you can and you have to spell that words correctly and the faster you type the faster your little car goes and you want to finish in first place.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
I also like this game because it's very fun and educational. I used to play this years sgo. I like how you can select your grade level. It's also different that you get to move along a game board. One thing that stands out is that you can get a code and leave. Then, when you want to play again you can type in the code and it will restore your place on the gameboard and your progress.
I like this game becuase you can select a variety of types of problems. Also, you can have them come in algebra form. It brings some reveiw problems out, which helps you to keep getting better. It's also nice that you can select two players, so then you can have a little fun competeing with a friend.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
This is a great educational game. It teaches you not only to design to the needs to other people, but it also gives you a budget so that you stay within range. Also you interact with some people that will use the phone so that you know what they are looking for. I would recommend this fun and educational game to everyone.
This Weather game is great. It shows you how to predict the weather. Also it gives you hints if you happen to get off track. You see low and high pressure, if it will be sunny or cloudy, and if it will rain. Also it lets you predict how long it will take for storm to reach the area and how far it is away. I would recommend this game to others.
Design a Cell Phone and Deep Brain Stimulation!
In the first game you get to design a cell phone. It's educational, because you have to think about who you are designing the phone for. It gives you a target audience, and the things they look for in a phone. It deals with engineering and using your common sense. You can do research on all of the features you would like for the phone. You can choose the color of the phone, the screen size and brightness of the phone, a simple or complex mode, size, and many more. You can "test" your phone, and hear what your target audience has to say. From there you can design a new phone if your first didn't go over well. You can market your phone and sell it. It will track for the next three months how many phones you sell. It's really fun and challenging.
I highly recommend this game to everyone!
In the second game you become the surgeon and perform brain surgery! You get to prep the patient, by screwing screws into her head. These prevent the skin from moving. Then you do various other things such as shaving her head, and using a solution to clean the scalp. You also get to inject anesthesia and other things. You haven't even started the surgery yet! I won't ruin that surprise. This game is educational, because you get to play "doctor", and learn about the brain. It's pretty easy to understand, a woman tells you what to do. My sister and I enjoyed playing this game and I think you will too. I would recommend to everyone except those who dislike blood and other medical procedures.
Well, I have learned many things from technology. II have learned that you can you the computer, if you are how schooled, you can have some one teach you from home. Technology it's the only thing that keeps this world going, with out it there would be no light, no cold food, no clothing, no school supplies, no nothing. Every one would have to learn how to make their own belongs their selves, the old fashion way.
I also learned a lot about the Indians. They have always been in Massachussets. They knew a lot about how to use their resources. They were knid and shared thier knowledge with the pilgrims. This helped them a lot. The Indians didn't dress like the pilgrims at all. They wore deer skin and decrative beads. I thought it was very interesting to read about the Indians.
I also learned a little bit more about the Indians. I knew they lived in longhouses, but I never heard of a wetu. Their god is kiethen, the creator. It's interesting to know that that the staps that held bags around their necks were made out of ground corn.
In this game you are the owner of a coffee shop. You can name it what ever you want. It is educational because you start with a small budget of thirty dollars. You need to buy cups, milk, sugar, and the coffee. The trick is that it gives you a choice different amounts. If you buy to much you can run out of money to fast. If you buy to little you will sell out right away. Next, your recipe, you need to make your recipe right to get the most money you can for that day. Then, you need to deal with the price. The temperature changes which means you need to adjust your price. Finley, just hope your day goes well
http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-math-lines/index.html in this game you have to shoot numbers to get to ten.
Educational Games
The second fun game that I play is "Blood Typing". You have to figure out what type of blood the patient has and give them the corect type of blood to get them heathy! It's great to play so you can know how to transfuse blood and if lyou like heath and science you'll love this game! http://nobelprize.org/educational_games/medicine/landsteiner/landsteiner.html
michael bent
Some more educational games are word searches and hangman. word search is educational, because it helps you with your words. it also helps you to spell words. hangman also helps you spell words.http://games.aarp.org/categories/word.aspx
I chose boombot because it helps you get smarter because it makes you think of where to blow the thing to.http://coolmath-games.com/0-boombot/index.html
Games for our website!
I think we should have typing tidepool as one of the games because it helps with our typing skills. This would be a fun game to help us learn without being in a class which is boring. We would have fun trying to get the high score. We could also have like a partner and play against eachother. This game is educational.
This game is educational. You can pick what to buy then you have to pick the coins that add up to that amout. It is a very simple game yet kind of fun. This will help you to add up coins quickly. This can also help you later in life when you have to know what change to make in a store.
Fun games
The math arcade is a gameboard and you move and you then you have to figure out a math problem and there is no caculater. There are diffrent games for math problems. The math problems are hard and it is all diffrent problems. It was a educational games it is fun and it is hard.
Smart Games
Another game would be sudoku. Its a mind-thinker game. I like sudoku a lot. http://www.miniclip.com/games/sudoku/en/
Educational Blogs
Another fun game to play would be Math Baseball. The website gives you te problem; then you type in the answer. To lock in the answer, click "Swing". If you got it right, you advance. "Funbrain" (the website) will choose whether you got a single, double, triple, or home run. If you got it incorrect, it's an out. Three outs, and the game is over. You can play with one or two people! It's really fun and a great learning experience! Find it at
Educational Games
This game is just like pack man, but when you run over a question mark it asks you a math problem. They include adding, subtracting, multiplication, and division. As you get to higher levels the problems have multiple problems in them. You get three lives. Every time you get a problem wrong you lose a life.
Arithmetic Game is at primarygames.com. http://www.primarygames.com/math/arithmeticgame/start.htm
In this game they give you addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division signs and the problem's answer. You have to figure out numbers that go in the problem to make the answer true with all of the signs that they give you. As you answer more problems the harder the problems are. You will also have less numbers to chose from.
Math basketball at funbrain.com teaches you math problems. A problem comes up on the screen and you have to solve it. If you do, you make the pass. Then you dribble and shoot. When you score without missing a problem, you win.
Educational Primary Games For Our Website
I think we should have the game Sudoku because it makes you think and it is fun too! Some of the puzzles for the Sudoku game are hard and challenging for everyone. Their are easier puzzles for beginners and as you get better at the game their are harder puzzles to do.
The other game that I think is educational is Typing Monster because you learn how to type faster. It also helps you learn how to type with your hands on the home keys which makes you type way faster than just pecking. You also have fun playing the game while you are learning something new. Everyone can have fun playing these games because they are entertaining and are educational.
Educational Games
This is a racing game but you need to do math. You don't control the car you just control the speed. You answer simple addition problems.