Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Interview with a Stranger

Where do you want to work?

Do you have any siblings and what do they do for a living?

Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of? Why?

If you could live anywhere, where would that be? Why?

What is your favorite thing to do? Why?


  1. 1. What kind of place do you want to work?

    2. I have a sister and she is in 5th grade.

    3. I do not know what one of my accomplishes I am most proud of.

    4. I would live in Alaska because I do not like the warm weather. It would be cool to live where their are mountains covered in snow.

    5. One of my favorite things to do is play my Ds and Wii because they are fun to play and have many things to do on them.

  2. Why do you want to work here?

    I would like to work in a childrens care hospital in arizona as a physical therapist.

    Do you have any siblings and what do they do for a living?

    I have one younger sister whos sole purpous is to annoy me.

    Which of your accomplishments are you most proud of? Why?

    Having Miss W. as a friend or passing my first semester of grad school.

    If you could live anywhere, where would that be? Why?

    I would like to live on the planet Pandora and live with the Na'vi because they are SO COOL!!

    What is your favorite thing to do? Why?

    I love to work out and watch scary movies because there both a rush.

  3. 1 - Work - Work where? I don't know where "here" is! If by "here" you mean my home where I am, then I think I would go crazy. Living, seeing my parents every day for the next forty years? I'd be driven nuts. You'll understand when you're older.

    2 - Siblings - I have four siblings, three brothers and a sister. They're all younger than me, too. They all go to school. I'm the only one with a job. I'm the best of us. (:

    3 - Accomplishments - Hm. I try to not be proud of things. At the very least, I don't like to brag. I don't like it when people brag to me, so I try not to do it back, you know what I mean? Do unto others as you would have them do unto you and all that. I just feel awkward.

    4 - Live anywhere - I'd like to live far away, in a mystical world with traditions, ideals and magic far different than ours. I'd like to see more stars when I look into the night skies or at least be able to travel among them far easier and casually than I can here. This place must also be alright with dancing waltzes and singing sweet love songs in the rain. Preferably not burning acidic rain though.

  4. (AH I forgot 5 for you too! I'm so sorry! I blame it on the time I was doing these.)

    5 - Favorite thing - I don't know what my favorite thing to do is. It's hard to place a label on something like that when everything is so varied and each has its ups and downs. I like sleeping. I like video games. I like being on the computer and I like baking. I like so many thiiiiings. I don't know if I could pick a favorite. It wouldn't be fair to the other things I enjoy doing!

  5. I work at St. John's because I love to share my faith and help students learn. I have one brother that is a teacher in Minnesota. I also have one sister who lives in Minnesota who works at a school as a paraprofessional. I'm most proud of getting my Master's Degree. If I could live anywhere it would be the farm I grew up on in Minnesota. My favorite thing to do is reading books.


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